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Home President's Column Ostomy Suppliers     Our Treasurer  
next meeting
March 30th

If you have an ostomy this is a great place
to ask questions and get answers


We have booked the Bellevue Public Library thru June and it is being automatically
renewed every 3 months thereafter.

We are looking forward to seeing you

Alan and Sandra Ashendorf
give us a call us at 615 662 7639
Please leave us a message and we will get back to soonest



We are now meeting at the
Bellevue Public Library.

720 Baugh Road
Nashville, TN 37221

map to Library

we have now reserved a room for
the last Sunday of each month.
The room seats 12

 next meeting
March 30th

future meetings
April 27th

Library opens at 2:00 I have booked for 2:30

Library does not allow any money to change hands

When renewing mail your dues of $10.00 (check only)
this is for one year
Please support our group and mail check to

Nashville Ostomy Group
care of Alan Ashendorf (treasurer)
488 Saddle Drive
Nashville TN 37221

Hope to see you there.
Alan and Sandy Ashendorf

Website has new look and feel. Please check it out.

Sandy and Alan

If you have any Ostomy supplies that you are
NOT using PLEASE bring them to the next
meeting or give us a call.

We are getting a lot of calls from
ostomates that have NO insurance whatsoever.
They would very much appreciate any assistance
we can offer them.

All Yearly Dues for members are due again.
Please make checks for $10.00 to Ostomy Group

and send them to

Ostomy Group
488 Saddle Drive
Nashville TN 37221



The United Ostomy Association is a volunteer-based health organization  dedicated to providing education, information, support, and advocacy for people who have had or will have intestinal or urinary diversions. 

We welcome anybody who has questions about their Ostomy, causes of Ostomy surgeries, skin issues, or any other question or concern.  Ostomates come in all ages and gather together to discuss common questions and solutions. We try to have a speaker on a relevant topic, leave time for open or one-on-one confidential discussion, and enjoy refreshments and camaraderie all within a one-hour meeting. 

Whether or not you want to join officially, please feel free to attend a meeting.  For more information, contact our chapter presidents  and leave a message and we will get back to you.
615 662-7639.





See you again soon




We meet the Last Sunday of Each Month   2:30 P.M.




Next Meeting

March 30 2:30



If we can be of service please
give us a call us at
615 662 7639

Please leave us message
and we will get back to you soonest

  If you have any Ostomy supplies that you are NOT using PLEASE bring them to the next meeting or call Sandy or Alan.

If we can be of service please give us a call us at 615 662 7639
Please leave us a message and we will get back to soonest

We are getting a lot of calls from ostomates that have NO insurance whatsoever.

They would very much appreciate any assistance we can offer them.

PRESIDENT: Alan Ashendorf 488 Saddle Drive Nashville, TN 37221 662-7639
VICE-PRESIDENT Sandra Ashendorf 488 Saddle Drive Nashville, TN 37221 662-7639
SECRETARY: Rena Sawyer
TREASURER: Alan Ashendorf 488 Saddle Drive Nashville 37221 615 662 7639


We had a great meeting last time.
We had many new people with ostomys
We will be there. Open to all.

March 30th

It is also imperative that you have your ostomy supplies right where you need them in case of
unexpected changes.

And speaking about that, if you have run low on supplies, please give us a call at
615 662-7639 and leave a message with your phone name and number and we will
call you back. We might have some supplies to tide you over until you get your next
shipment of supplies.

When you send in your dues $10.00 make sure to make it out to Nashville Ostomy
Please send me your contact info
Contact number:

I realize I can't control the weather and that I must accept it, just like
my ostomy. When I got back from the hospital after I got my illeostomy
and I had also suffered a stroke, I memorized this poem:

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change
Courage to change the things I can
And wisdom to understand the difference Thereof.

This is the short version, which is the most that I could remember
due to my stroke, and yet it enabled me to move forward.
I clung to these words of wisdom when things got tough and I
still do, to this day.

Having a stroke was the worst part for me, yet each of us must
accept this major change that we have had through this ostomy
surgery and then get on with our lives. Only by acceptance can that
that happen. Now, I am not saying that this is easy. Acceptance
has never easy for me and that is why we have this support group
to help in that regard.

Each of us comes about acceptance in different ways and over
different time periods. I have often told others new members that
we must go through the grief, just as with the death of a loved one.
We cannot pass by it. Remember that we are at the very least going
through the grief of a losing major part of our body, as well as
part of our identity. By accepting this we can move on to the next
phrase of our life.

And please know that I am here anytime.
Just pick up the phone and call me.

One of the great things is that we have had quite a few good folks
who are dropping off ostomy supplies - so if you are in need,
please let us know and we will see what we have to meet that need.
We have not had as many who have called who are in need of supplies, so
we are keeping them safe here.

Just give us a call a couple of days before you come and
give us the numbers of the supplies you need and leave a message on our
machine and your phone number.

We will get back with you and let you know what we have that we
can match up to your needs. You don't have to even see us; you can
call and we will leave them outside for you to pick them up.

Hope to see you soon.

Alan and Sandra Ashendorf

Please remember that we are here if any of you need us

Please practice safe distances (at least 6 feet) and please wear your mask.
Think about others and especially your own family.

And in fact, our meetings will be in limbo for the foreseeable future. If any of you have an
ideas, please give us a call and we can discuss this issue. I know that we will both miss
seeing you right now, but I know that I can't take a chance in getting out at this time, myself.
At this time, we are staying safe and staying home, unless it is unavoidable.

Alan and Sandra Ashendorf

The circle of giving and receiving has continued with
ostomy supplies for those in need. Thank you all for
your ostomy supply donations. We are doing our
best to see that they are going to good homes
So, thank you once more for thinking of our organization
when the time comes to donate those supplies. And at
our last meeting, it was great to find a good home for
some of those supplies.

Healthcare is always in transition. So, have you been having trouble
getting your ostomy supplies lately? If so, please give us a call to let
us know what is going on with your supplies, as we have heard that
some others have not been able to get theirs.

Call us or come to our
meetings to let us know what is going on with your own issues.
We are gathering up some information so that we can give the best
information about this situation.

Important Contact Information:

ConvaTec Professional Services
By phone: 1-800-422-8811
web address: convatec.com
by email: CIC@convatec.com

By mail:
ConvaTec Professional Services
100 Headquarters Park Drive
Skillman, NJ 08558

 Hollister Incorporated
2000 Hollister Drive
Libertyville, IL 60048-3746
Full product line: New Image, Premier, Adapt, Pouching.
web address: hollister.com

Our corporate HQ
web address: coloplast.com


Cymed Ostomy Co.
1440C Fourth Street
Berkeley, CA 94710
Full product line including the MicroSkin Ostomy Pouching System.

To all of our Donors, thank you for thinking of others in your difficult times.
May God bless you.


  Also, I would encourage you to subscribe to the Phoenix
magazine, which is published by the United Ostomy Association of America.

If you have been to one of our meetings, you probably saw it there and I highly endorse this publication. It has some great survival stories of other ostomies, tips from nurses on how to live a greater quality of life and of course, advertising for quite a few supplies that help us to live a little easier.

You can go online and subscribe for this fine magazine

And if you are looking for a support group in your area you can go to
  During the past few months, we have been busy with referrals and have donated some supplies to some who have requested them. By the way, the same goes for our members, as well. If you do not have insurance
and run out of supplies,

just give me a call at 615-662-7639 & let me know what you need & I will do my best to match them with what has been donated to us.

Please leave us a message
and we will get back to soonest
Alan and Sandra Ashendorf


Alan Ashendorf
488 Saddle Drive
Nashville, TN 37221
615 662-7639

VICE-PRESIDENT: Sandra Ashendorf
488 Saddle Drive
Nashville, TN 37221
615 662-7639
Rena Sawyer

Alan Ashendorf
488 Saddle Drive
Nashville, TN 37221
615 662-7639



  Change of Address:    Contact Alan Ashendorf if you are changing you place of residence.  If you fail  to so this, you will not receive the Newsletter.    
  New Ostomates:     You will receive a complimentary Newsletter for 3 months post surgery.  You are encouraged to join our Chapter to receive your monthly newsletter after this introductory offer    
     Local membership only  (by email $10.00).  Mail check payable to the Nashville Ostomy Assoc. c/0 Alan Ashendorf,
488 Saddle Drive Nashville TN 37221
.  If you are unable to pay these dues, please contact Alan at 615 662 7639.
 Newsletter   You are encouraged to submit information, articles and suggestions to: 
Alan or Sandra Ashendorf
488 Saddle Drive
Nashville TN 37221
or Email 
 WebMaster:    If you have anything that should appear on this site contact Alan Ashendorf     
  The documents contained within these web pages are presented expressly for informational purposes only. In no way are any of the materials presented  here meant to be a substitute for professional medical care or attention  by a qualified practitioner, nor should they be construed as such. ALWAYS check with your doctor if you have any questions or concerns about your condition, or before starting a new program of treatment. The United Ostomy Association and operators of this website are not  responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for ANY form of damages whatsoever resulting from the use (or misuse) of information  contained in or implied by these documents.